Elizabeth Shaw (confectionery company)

Elizabeth Shaw is the trading name of a Greenbank, Bristol based company that markets chocolate-based confectionery, which includes the internationally known brands Famous Names chocolate liqueurs and Elizabeth Shaw after dinner mints. In 2008 the company also bought out the coffee creme liqueur selection.

Local residents have successfully fought against redevelopment of the closed factory into flats and houses. The building is, in the eyes of local residents, a building that represented the industrial heritage of Bristol. The opposition to this redevelopment was supported by George Ferguson, whose vision turned a defunct tobacco factory in Bedminster into one of Bristol's leading venues.

In March 2006 Elizabeth Shaw was purchased by Nói Síríus, the largest candy manufacturer in Iceland.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ Michael Eaton Ex-Droste boss Bijma joins Elizabeth Shaw; Confectionery manufacturer appoints Bijma director of business development 19-Mar-2007 DFNI online
  2. ^ Chocolate maker goes to Iceland 04-MAR-06 Europe Intelligence Wire
  3. ^ A Sweet Friend of the Icelandic people; Nói Síríus expands beyond domestic shores Vol. 2 3-2006 page 13 October I&I (Issues and Images Iceland) magazine

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